Our Signature Service


Looking for a tax expert who can step into your business and coach you on how to lower your tax bill legally and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket?

You're in the right place.

Our Tax Strategy Service is perfect for you if:

You’re a successful business owner who suspects you’re paying way too much in taxes but doesn’t know what to do about it.

You’ve heard about other businesses who pay little to nothing in taxes legally and you want to apply these strategies to your business as well.

You’re tired of your old accountant who is just plugging in your numbers and not helping you come up with a plan on how you can minimize your tax bill.

"I've been referring Your Tax Coach to all of my business owner friends. I'm getting over $80K in refunds from tax amendments utilizing tax strategies that my old CPA missed over the past few years. This has been such a game-changer for my business!"

— Alison L.






First, we'll gather all of your tax information, goals, and expected income for the business so that we can provide you with a tax strategy summary prior. We want all of our clients to save more in the first year than the initial fee they pay!

Then we’ll dive into our vault of super secret tax strategies and find ALL the applicable tax strategies that we can implement in your business. Some of the things we'll look into include: deduction review and maximization, legal entity optimization, and liability minimization. We'll use this information to prepare the tax strategy summary for you to show just how much $$$ we can save you!

After you’ve recovered from the shock of seeing how many thousands of dollars you’ll be able to stop paying the IRS and start putting towards your next dream vacation, we’ll sign our working contract and you’ll pay the initial fee for the service (this can be broken up into monthly payments).

We’ll then have a 60-minute strategy intensive where we'll outline the relevant strategies for you and your business (keeping it all jargon free!) and show you how we'll work together to save on your taxes each year by implementing each of the strategies.





First, we'll gather all of your tax information, goals, and expected income for the business so that we can provide you with a tax savings summary prior. Our goal is for our clients to save more than the initial fee they pay!

Then we’ll dive into our vault of tax strategies and find the applicable tax strategies that we can implement in your business. Some of the things we'll look into include: deduction review and maximization, legal entity optimization, and liability minimization. We'll use this information to prepare the tax strategy summary for you to show just how much $$$ we can save you!

Once you've overcome the initial shock of realizing your potential tax savings and envisioning your next dream vacation funded by those savings, you'll then sign our agreement and make the initial service fee payment, which can be conveniently divided into monthly installments.

We’ll then have a 60-minute strategy intensive where we'll outline the relevant strategies for you and your business (keeping it all jargon free!) and show you how we'll work together to save on your taxes each year by implementing each of the strategies.

In addition to getting a personalized strategic tax plan that can potentially save you tens of thousands of dollars every year —

Tax Strategy clients also get:

  • A dedicated Tax Strategist who knows everything about you, your business, your goals, plus so much more.

  • Unlimited communication for any questions that pop up.

  • Exclusive masterclasses teaching topics that can help you grow your business and build your wealth.

  • Monthly Q&A's with YTC tax professionals so you can get your questions answered but also learn from other business owners.

  • In-person masterminds with other high-profile entrepreneurs.

  • Discounts on YTC Courses and other services.

  • First dibs on limited attendance events.

  • Exclusive monthly newsletter packed full of additional tax tips.

  • A whole team of Tax and Accounting professionals in your corner.

  • PLUS, so much more!


Tax Strategy starts at $2,200 per month for your first year.

For years two and beyond, prepay fees and discounted rates will apply.

Need it all? We offer packages that include Tax Strategy, Tax Preparation, Bookkeeping, and more, starting at $3,500 per month!

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